Goals and plans for the new year

I have some plans for the new year that I'd like to put to paper as a small measure of accountability and internal pressure to follow through. I don't expect to do all of these, all goals are transitory and cannot account for future changes, but I do plan to hold these in mind as I move through the year.

  1. Play Ring Fit Adventure every day. I got it for christmas and having played it once today, I found it tiring and oddly compelling. It's not a replacement for something as challenging as crossfit, but until my wife and I can figure out a reasonable compromise, this must be my primary method for staying active.

  2. Buy no new games. I own many games and yet I keep saying to myself, "Maybe this one will be amazing/so fun/something that I love." Occasionally I'm right, but mostly I enjoy them a little and then put them aside for the next thing. I know I won't be able to hold this line, but I'd like to sincerely try.

  3. Play through the Zelda series in release order. I had this thought while watching @headfallsoff.com on bluesky post about their adventures working through the Sonic games and struggling to enjoy Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. Hand in hand with #2 above, I hope to exercise restraint through a dedicated task. How exactly will this work? I'm not sure. I don't expect to be a purist (I'll play a remake or remaster as I feel appropriate), but I do want to stick to the release order format, to see the evolution of the series.

  4. Continue to keep up with Shelved By Genre. Because of them (and the energy it gives me), I've read 17 (soon to be 18) books this calendar year, the most of my adult life. It feels really good to make progress, to follow through on these works, to explore new ideas and new thoughts. I've owned Shadow and Claw since 2005 but only cracked it last year because of them; likewise with the Earthsea books past Tombs of Atuan. I'm deeply excited about the Sprawl trilogy, one of my favorite series, and I'm further excited to see where the show goes after.

  5. Write on here slightly more than once a month. The ease of writing on Cohost gave me a fire and passion for both short and long form writing, and I'd like to recapture that. I don't know how exactly, but I think it's doable. I just need to stay a little mindful of the "trivial inconvenience" and push through.

  6. Last but not least, be a better dad. I hope to get the fuck off my phone for good — if I can do that, then I will consider the entire year a resounding success. In lieu of that, I want to be more present and less reactive, more patient and less combative, give them more freedom and more support to be bold and weird, and to apologize way more for the things I do wrong.

Other small things I've thought about, that don't feel discrete enough for the list: speedrun Influx Redux? paint the first floor a neutral color? build all of the shelves and bookcases and cabinets that are piled in the garage? clean out the basement? improve as a sexual partner?

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Super Mario Bros. Wonder review

Super Mario Bros. Wonder Review






Nintendo Switch

Finished main levels after 15 hours, only minor effort put into getting all purple coins and wonder seeds.

I think this game has some fantastic ideas, really clever levels and fun wonder sequences, but most of it left me feeling bored and listless. The game was not very hard but occasionally very frustrating, the levels were fairly short and forgettable, and the entire thing felt like a couple good ideas bloated to a feature length game.

I'm not mad I played it, but it didn't fill me with excitement either. Compared to 3D Works which I played through a second time immediately upon finishing it, here I'm just glad to be done.

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2024

made with @nex3's Backloggd formatter


Every so often I decide to get a latte from a coffee shop instead of black coffee (pour over preferably). It is nearly always a mistake. I like the taste of black coffee, especially if it's a good bean like a single origin Ethiopian or Guatemalan. Lattes have a nice flavor on first sip, but they tend to sit heavier and don't go cold as gracefully.

The other issue is that lattes want to be cortados, but it's harder to justify paying $3-$5 for 3 oz of drink compared to $4-$6 for 12 oz of coffee. A bit of milk to lighten espresso is great; a bit of espresso to go with my heated milk sucks actually.

I just gotta stop buying lattes, it's almost always a mistake.

Posting small thoughts

I'm trying out Working Copy on ios to post from mobile. It's more cumbersome than Cohost's excellent editor, but I'm hopeful that in the long run this will suit me. Because the number one change I felt over the last two years was a freedom to post when I had the urge, which is traditionally hard with static sites.

Previews??? who needs em, i know what i'm doing 🥲

parks and rec

Conspiracy theory: Parks and Rec was a psyop to make people hate Hillary Clinton-era liberals.

Yes, my wife is rewatching Parks and Rec, why do you ask?

Auto-deploying to Github

My current blog system uses Cryogen and compiled all markdown into html when I ran it locally. This sucked, so I've switched to relying on Github Actions to deploy the generated content to the pages site. Thankfully, it's much better now.

Personal Cohost Archive

I've written a converter to translate a selected number of my posts from the now-defunct blogging platform and social media website https://cohost.org. They're poorly converted to markdown and I don't plan on doing much with them except host them for personal posterity. A few will appear in my main feed, most will not. They can be viewed here.

From Elegance to Speed, with Clojure

I recently came across a blogpost about rewriting an "elegant" function in Clojure into an optimized function in Common Lisp.

In it, John Jacobsen discusses how they went from this Clojure code:

(defn smt-8 [times]
  (->> times
       (partition 8 1)
       (map (juxt identity
                  (comp (partial apply -)
                        (juxt last first))))
       (filter (comp (partial > 1000) second))))
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Restarting the project

I started writing a little blog in the summer of 2017, when I had really hit a local maxima happiness. A year into my software career, feeling medium good about Avuity, feeling very good about May, it seemed right to talk about it, even privately. I'm very glad I wrote all those things down. It makes me quite happy to read Marriage and see the seeds of good decisions, even if the execution took a lot of work.

Why start blogging again now? Because in between writing code every day, I feel like I have thoughts and reactions to things I read and try. I read all of Test-Driven Development in a single day, and like 99 Bottles of OOP before it, I walked away with my brain on fire. I've begun reading Domain-Driven Design, and I can feel it poking at my brain in the same way. I don't want to lose this feeling, nor do I want to lose the insights these books are providing.

It's very easy to grind through a tough problem (personally or professionally) and then move onto the next problem without 1) reviewing what I (we, in the context of teams) learned or what challenged me, or 2) putting any effort into practicing or preparing for the future. Mindfulness when learning and practicing goes a long way towards cementing valuable lessons, much in the same way adding and reviewing flash cards might. (I've had my time with Anki, I don't think I need to do that right now.)

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Archibus and the SELECT N+1 Problem

This past week, I had the opportunity to contribute to an existing custom report built for a client. It loaded incredibly slowly, so in between working on the contribution I had been tasked with, I also took it upon myself to speed it up. I think it's time to share what I've learned.

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I'm siting here at 1215 after another long day, and I've been thinking to myself, what am I doing? I don't need to spend the money, I don't need to drink wine, I don't need any of this. On the other hand, the wine tastes amazing, the music in my headphones and the music played by the two jazz dudes in the corner are both bangin, I'm written some really good facebook posts today. I don't regret my decisions.

I had dinner with dad, and he whipped out some classic Jon Bogart-isms. Stuff like, if I actually wanted to do certain things I'd just change the rest of my life to make them happen (wrt travel vs eating out all the time). What's great is, I can let that shit fall away from me easily nowadays. I hear it, I recognize the kind of effect it's had on me at various points in my life, and I let it fall to the wayside. Jonny Dee is a smart man, he's encountered a lot over his life, and I value his wit and wisdom, but like so many pseudo-negative aspects of my life, I have to be willing to say, “No, I don't need to accept this as my current truth” the way I did in high school or college or after college.

I've been feeling really good recently about my place in the world, my goals and my efforts, and the work I've put into my various relationships. I don't know exactly where I'm headed, but like I said a couple posts ago, I'm at a crossroads and I'm trying so hard to navigate this one correctly.

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I don't know what I'm here to write, I just know that I have this feeling like I should keep it up. So here I am, writing more.

What's the point of writing for one's self? Reflection? I don't get my actual feelings out if I'm not conversing with someone. Julie talks about reading her journals from when she went to therapy early in her relationship with Jon and how much clarity she finds in it, how nice it is to see the clear lines of work and effort and thought that went into various decisions in her life. I don't do that. Maybe I should? I honestly don't find it compelling to write for myself. The kinds of thoughts that I write don't accurately represent me internally in a given moment. Maybe like a sign post signifying the general area it might be helpful to write the various interpretations I've created from parts of my life, and then look back on them later, saying, "Ah from this vantage point, I can see the shape of the land, the whole from all of the pieces I could barely consider when in the tasks and minutia."

Compare this to when I was in high school and early college, writing on Livejournal. I experienced so many strong emotions I had trouble processing, and writing for that kind of audience helped a bit. So many of those old posts feel like I couldn't handle the changes in my life, external and internal. Not so much like that anymore.

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I'm at this weird crossroads in my life right now, where I can push hard to get married and settle down, and I could also dive back into the "dating" life I led in the winter/spring months. After lots of hemming and hawing, I had some excellent conversations with Ally on Friday night and Saturday morning, which has led me to the conclusion that I should get married. I should ask May, in fact, to marry me.

I "preposed" to May on Saturday night, after we smanged. Almost said it during, but I had the good sense to wait until we were cuddling afterwards. Honestly, I'm a fool with timing. Thankfully, The Kindest Human, May, responded very positively and generously, considering that I had informally asked her to consider marrying me. We're having a conversation tomorrow evening (2017-07-31T20:30 ish). I hope it goes well, and based on the comments we've made to each other, I suspect the smanging will eclipse the marriage talk, lol.


Starting any project is difficult, and I suspect regular blogging is not an activity I'll have much luck with, seeing as I've classically hated all forms of writing. However, along with the work in self-care and Success Oriented Mindset I've implemented over the last year, I think it's time to attempt to conquer this issue as well.

Also, at this point, all I have to do is twist something into a vaguely "programmery" design, and I fall head-over-heals into it, desperate for any reason to apply my skills at programming, even when I have no idea what I'm doing.

No one will read this, and I sure as fuck hope not. That's okay. We'll see how I feel about it in a week.

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