Other places on the internet
I made a cool little 88x31 button because it's fun to make art. Use it to link to me if you collect these.

If you have one, tell me so I can add it to my blogroll below:
Blogs / Newsletters
- 2 Mello - 2 Mello
- Aurahack - Aurahack
- AURAMBLES - Aura Triolo
- Azhdarchid - Bruno Diaz
- Beyond Loom - John Earnest
- Blueberry Lemonade - Kyle Labriola
- damien erambert - Damien Erambert
- Dispatch from the Radical Dreamland - Lena Raines
- dissoc - Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant
- enceledean - Nic Tringali
- Entropy Arbitrage - John Colagioia
- Evie On-Line - Evie Finch
- Izzy Muerte on Self Unemployed - Izzy Muerte
- jae kaplan - Jae Kaplan
- Natalie's Blog - Natalie Weizenbaum
- Nic Hartley - Nic Hartley
- Nicky Flowers - Nicky Flowers
- Nire Bryce - Nire Bryce
- Prophetlabs - Prophet/welltypedwitch
- someplace elsewhere - Nat Clayton
- The Transsexual Chofetz Chaim - Shel Raphen
- wavebeem - Sage Fennel
News sites
- 404 Media - Worker-owned investigative journalism focused on hacking, cybersecurity, cybercrime, sex, artificial intelligence, consumer rights, surveillance, privacy, and the democratization of the internet.
- Aftermath - Worker-owned journalism focused on video games and video game culture.
- Rascal News - Worker-owned journalism focused on table-top roleplaying games and ttrpg culture.
- Remap Radio - Worker-owned video game-focused podcasts and articles.
- Cohost Union News - News related to unions in the USA by alyaza birze.
- Crossplay - The intersection of parenting and video games, by Patrick Klepick.
- HTHRFLWRS - game design, creator of SNAKE FARM.
- Hillel Wayne - Formal verification, software design, and software history. Author of Practical TLA+.
- Quick Play - Reviews of short games.
- To the Teeth - Heavy metal releases and news.
- 404 Media's podcast.
- Friends at the Table - Actual play focused on critical world-building, smart characterization, and fun interactions between good friends.
- Functional Design in Clojure - Discussions of functional programming and software design through the lens of Clojure.
- Remap Radio's podcast.