"Yuki's Vacation" and a call for help from chinese speakers

There's an abandoned freeware game made by James Silva (Ska Studios, The Dishwasher, Salt and Sanctuary) in 2002 called Yuki's Vacation. He made it in Visual Basic 6 after Zombie Smasher X as a way of showing how he made games. I was already obsessed with Zombie Smasher X (just look at this gloriousness), so getting access to the source code was a revelation.

I spent hours playing around with it, editing the bmps, changing the level design, doing really basic programming (I didn't really know what I was doing) back in 2002 and 2003. It was foundational for me seeing programming as something I could do and not just "magic by people smarter than me".

Every so often, I search for the code online and can't find it (because who the hell would keep freeware visual basic code for 20+ years), but I think I've come across it here. The site is in Chinese and even with Google Translate, I can't get the system to allow me to create an account so I can download this. I hope it doesn't cost money to download, but I'm willing to pay $20 if you can help me out here. It's really meaningful to me.

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