
I'm at this weird crossroads in my life right now, where I can push hard to get married and settle down, and I could also dive back into the "dating" life I led in the winter/spring months. After lots of hemming and hawing, I had some excellent conversations with Ally on Friday night and Saturday morning, which has led me to the conclusion that I should get married. I should ask May, in fact, to marry me.

I "preposed" to May on Saturday night, after we smanged. Almost said it during, but I had the good sense to wait until we were cuddling afterwards. Honestly, I'm a fool with timing. Thankfully, The Kindest Human, May, responded very positively and generously, considering that I had informally asked her to consider marrying me. We're having a conversation tomorrow evening (2017-07-31T20:30 ish). I hope it goes well, and based on the comments we've made to each other, I suspect the smanging will eclipse the marriage talk, lol.

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